About Me

about me

Hi, friend!

Welcome to my cozy corner of the internet. I love learning a little bit about everything (a “jack-of-all-trades and master-of-none” as my dad calls it) and, I love sharing everything I learn with friends and family. I’m a huge advocate for informed decision-making and 100% believe in the phrase “You don’t know what you don’t know”.  My goal for this blog is for it to be a great resource of information for all facets of life, so consider this more of a lifestyle blog with no real “niche”. I’ll share things like preconception and pregnancy tips, personal finance pointers, purchases around my house that have simplified my life, and so much more. 

As mentioned, I’m a huge supporter of informed decision-making and also people implementing changes based on what’s best for them. So please, build upon what I share with your own research and ultimately decide what’s best for you! I’m not an expert in what I blog about; just a 30-something year old who has learned quite a few things from my own human experience.

Thanks for visiting, cheers!


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